The address is:
4770 Lincoln Avenue
Oakland, California 94602
From the Temple one can see across the Bay to the City of San Francisco, etc. The Temple is so ideally located on the hills of Oakland that the ships and boats in the SF Bay use it and its lights as a landmark to navigate through fog, storms, darkness, etc.
Also, we in Los Angeles are looking forward to the day when our new LDS Temple Visitors' Center will be open to the public. They have torn down the old one and are constructing another in its place on Santa Monica Boulevard in West L.A.
Oakland has a beautiful Temple. I've enjoyed being there. At one point we took 11 investigators to the Temple grounds. They explored the visitors center while we went to the Temple. Thanks for sharing.
thats really cool. it makes me remember a display we had here in our stake once.
we had the gold plates - at least a replica of it. heheh..
greetings from the philippines.
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