07 February 2008

Romney campaign machine shutting down

Governor Romney will deliver a speech today in Washington.  In this speech, he will announce that he ending his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination.  His campaign highlighted Mormonism in politics, seen by most as a positive opportunity for the Church to become better known.


Kathryn Skaggs said...

Jonathan - May I compliment you on an outstanding blog!

Brittney and Ryan Allen, sent me your way. (my kids:-) They KNEW I would love this site... and I do.

I will be posting your link on my links page that I am developing over at Hubpages... I really want to only put those blogs that I know personally of their intergrity.

Great work here. Are you in any way connected with The More Good Foundation?

Talk soon. Keep this up... it is truly inspiring to me to see what you are doing here!



Anonymous said...

Now that Romney is out, check out what other Mormons are saying about the 2008 presidential race.
